Corporate Law

We provide all the repertoire of legal services necessary in the current activity of a company
  • Choosing the legal and organizational form of the entity;
  • Establishing companies / PFA (registered independent professional) / sole proprietorships (opening of bank accounts for the deposit of share capital; name reservation; services for the domiciliation of the registered seat; assistance in finding and renting a main/secondary office; drafting of articles of incorporation and other documents necessary for the establishment (statements, agreements, certificates); filling in the official documents and forms necessary for the establishment, as well as their submission to the specific registers; transforming share capital accounts into current accounts and opening other bank accounts;
  • Establishing associations, foundations, agricultural cooperatives and amending the articles of incorporation;
  • Opening/closing of operational units;
  • Structure of the share capital (assets) – increase/decrease of share capital; rights of preemption/preference; allocation of share premiums; clauses of forced withdrawal of minority shareholders at the price paid to the majority shareholder by a third party/withdrawal with payment of the share price by the majority shareholder; preparation of Initial Public Offerings (listing on the stock exchange);
  • Amendments to the articles of incorporation/articles of association and change of initial permits;
  • Voting procedures. Voting structure and protection of voting rights;
  • Majority and minority shareholders. Shareholder control;
  • Beneficial owners and the obligation to inform;
  • Company management – one or two-tier management systems;
  • Limitations of the duties of directors/managers. Benefits packages for directors/managing directors;
  • Shareholder protection and creditor protection;
  • Corporate responsibility. Liability of shareholders and directors/managers;
  • Mergers, divisions and acquisitions of shares. Private equity transactions;
  • Diligence obligation and loyalty obligation. Self-dealing transactions. Affiliate transactions;
  • Assignments of shares. Business assignments;
  • Obtaining prior or post-establishment permits for companies in specific sectors (financial services, insurance, food sector, pharmaceutical sector, etc.)
  • Loans from shareholders/associates. Conversion of loans/financing;
  • Participating in general meetings (GMS) on behalf of shareholders/associates;
  • Drafting and organizing the legal documentation for the general meetings of the shareholders, the meetings of the Board of Directors, of the Supervisory Board and of other specific bodies and committees; assistance in setting up and maintaining registers of associates/shareholders, including registrations therein;
  • Defense in corporate law disputes or filing complaints / initiating alternative/judicial proceedings regarding rights and obligations specific to the company law practice area;
  • Management of any problems of listed/unlisted companies, public enterprises, associations and/or foundations, cooperatives;
  • Establishing collective investment undertakings in the form of investment funds without legal personality;